Our Team


Adriana Guzman / Provincial coordinator

Adriana joined ACPSA as a coordinator in the fall of 2017 and under our retired Director of Programs Margaret’s wing, she learned to take care of all aspects of ACPSA. Now she runs the show with the help of all of her awesome coworkers! Her passion is sports, wanting to try everything since she was very little. Soccer has stuck throughout the years making it her number one sport. Still, you will rarely see her turn down an opportunity to play any sport and recreation activity. Her favorite thing about the job is being amazed by the skill and dedication of the athletes in boccia and powerchair soccer. It never gets old!

Fun Fact: Her two major weaknesses are cinnamon rolls and dogs.


Tara Chisholm / Boccia Provincial Coordinator

Tara is the provincial coordinator for boccia for ACPSA. She also runs the Medicine Hat Adaptive Sport and Recreation boccia program which was started in 2013. Her favorite part of the job is meeting all the amazing athletes, volunteers, referees, classifiers and supportive fans in the sport of boccia. She also enjoys working with colleagues from across the country to make boccia more accessible to more people in more places. When not coaching or playing boccia, Tara enjoys coaching and playing para hockey (aka sledge hockey) along with a variety of other para sports.

Fun Fact: She is currently learning how to speak french.


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