Your support matters
Become a Member
Being a member gives you access to all of our programs and financial support as an athlete as you develop in your sport.
Basic Membership is $25 for the year or $15 for the season. Membership is included in program fee.
Competitive Athlete Membership is an additional $50 for members wishing to receive financial support for travel to competitions, and additional training opportunities.
We do not want cost to be a barrier to your active participation. Please contact us for information on subsidies and payment options.
Member Benefits
ACPSA is an athlete and volunteer-driven association. Our success as an association depends on the members both playing and helping with our programs. Members with good standing are eligible for many benefits and services which are outlined in detail below. The annual membership period is Jan 1 - Dec 31 of each year and applications for seasonal membership are accepted throughout the year.
Volunteer memberships provide the same benefits below to coaches, and general volunteers at no cost.
Basic Athlete Membership
$25 annual
$15 per season
Insurance coverage for any injury that occurs during any events including training, practices, and competitions.
Eligible to participate in sanctioned events and competitions.
Access to program subsidies
competitive athlete membership
basic memb + $50
See Basic Athlete Membership
Eligible for financial subsidy and support to attend in-province events (to cover travel and accommodation expenses).
Member Resources and Important Documents
WADA List of Prohibited Substances
COVID19 Resources
ACPSA COVID-19 Procedures: Download
COVID-19 Info for Albertans ➡
Help Prevent the Spread ➡ Download